We make brands shine & competitors envious

Apparel Product Development services that makes brands thrive.
about us

3D Apparel Design to Bring Your Fashion Ideas to Life

KYIS is the brainchild of our founder LaTisha Winston. We are a team of experts with decades of experience in the apparel industry. Our goal is to help you effectively move your ideas through the product development life cycle while guiding you every step of the way. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a seasoned fashion designer, or an apparel manufacturer conglomerate, we are committed to your success.
our services

custom & scalable Apparel solutions

Our goal has been to offer the corporate apparel industry our services to offset companies undergoing expansion, having a skilled workforce shortage, or needing to off-load workloads to contractors due to increased turn times and reduced KPIs. We also offer consulting and technical expertise on department management, workforce training, and Vendor training/onboarding

technical design

We create detailed specifications and instructions for the construction of garments to ensure that they are produced accurately and meet quality standards.

3D apparel design

Our visionary team of 3D apparel designers utilizes innovative technology to bring your fashion ideas to life, providing stunning, realistic 3D renderings that streamline the design process.

pattern making & grading

We ensure that garments fit and grade correctly and make any necessary adjustments to the pattern to achieve the desired fit.

just a few of our clients

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